Pre-Construction Information

The Pre-Construction Information (PCI) provides information for those designing, bidding for, or planning work and for the development of the construction phase plan.

If you require any assistance in formulating or implementing Pre-Construction Information, please arrange a free consultation with one of health and safety professionals by contacting us on 01708 555544 or Enquiry Form

  • designers and contractors who are bidding for work on the project, or who have already been appointed to enable them to carry out their duties;
  • principal designers and principal contractors in planning, managing, monitoring and co-ordinating the work of the project.

Pre-construction information is defined as information about the project that is already in the client’s possession or which is reasonably obtainable by or on behalf of the client. The information must:

  • be relevant to the particular project;
  • have an appropriate level of detail; and
  • be proportionate given the health or safety risks involved.