Health & Safety Policies

All businesses with five or more employees are required by law to have a written health and safety policy. This policy outlines how you will keep your employees, stakeholders and members of the public safe at work.

About our policies

The Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 Section 2(3) requires employers to have a written safety policy where five or more people are employed.

A health and safety policy should include:

  • A general statement of intent.
  • An organisational structure.
  • Arrangements for achieving the policy aims.

A health and safety policy must establish your general approach and objectives (your vision). It should also determine any arrangements you have put in place, in regard to managing health and safety in your business and achieving your objectives. This policy can be deemed to be a unique document which declares who performs what, when and how.

A written policy statement demonstrates to your staff, as well as others, your commitment to their health and safety.  For example, it will detail how your company will implement and monitor health and safety controls as well assure that they are regularly assessed.

A health and safety policy will only be effective if acted upon and followed by you and your staff.

For most organisations, a single health and safety policy is not enough, which is why our experienced team now offer a full range of organisational safety policies. Our health and safety consultants work with you to determine which policies are required. We will review existing policies, give advice and practical guidance, and produce legally compliant policies on your behalf.

We currently offer the following policies:

Health & Safety Policy

Environmental Policy

Anti-bribery & Corruption Policy

Modern Slavery Policy

Equal Opportunities Policy

Quality Policy

Data Protection Policy